Urban facades regularly contain interesting variations due to allowed deformations of repeated elements (e.g., windows in different open or close positions) posing challenges to state-of-the-art facade analysis algorithms. We propose a semi-automatic framework to recover both repetition patterns of the elements and their individual deformation parameters to produce a factored facade representation. Such a representation enables a range of applications including interactive facade images, improved multi-view stereo reconstruction, facade-level change detection, and novel image editing possibilities.
@article{aylm_interactiveFacades_eg13, AUTHOR = "Sawsan AlHalawani and Yong-Liang Yang and Han Liu and Niloy J. Mitra", TITLE = "Interactive Facades: Analysis and Synthesis of Semi-Regular Facades", JOURNAL = "Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics)", volume = {32}, number = {2pt2}, pages = {215--224}, YEAR = "2013", numpages = {10}, }